Free Bumps And Bruises Clinic

It’s that time of year again when the smell of freshly cut grass, the Friday night lights, and two-a-day practices mean one thing: football season has returned, for some. In addition, hundreds of local athletes are prepping for the start of volleyball, soccer, cross country, and cheerleading.

When it comes to sports, winning may be important, but staying safe and healthy is also a priority. Every hit, kick, block, and score is accompanied by a risk of injury. If an athlete sustains an injury on a Friday night or during the weekend at a game, many may not know where to get help for the injury. This is why Bingham Healthcare Orthopedics & Sports Medicine holds a Bumps and Bruises Clinic every Saturday morning, providing eastern Idaho athletes with access to sports medicine professionals so an athlete can return to their sport quickly and safely.


Some of the region’s most experienced orthopedic and sports medicine specialists will be on hand every Saturday morning to treat any student athlete who might be suffering from a sports-related injury. Our sports medicine experts would rather see and treat all injuries for free than allow serious complications to arise, which could affect an athlete’s long-term performance.

The clinic offers free evaluations (X-rays are included!) and are held every Saturday August 31st to October 26th from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. Free evaluations are held at the following locations:


98 Poplar Street
1st Floor
(208) 785-2220

Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No appointment necessary. For more information, call (208) 785-2220.


Bingham Healthcare Orthopedics & Sports Medicine FREE Bumps and Bruises clinic is the perfect opportunity to help keep your athlete in the game. In the meantime, here are a few tips that can help lower the risk of serious injury and can keep your athletes playing strong.

First, make sure your athlete’s equipment is sized and fits properly. Football helmets, pads and other equipment should fit well, with nothing too loose or too tight. A helmet that doesn’t fit properly may cause serious damage if a strong hit is applied. Additionally, shin pads, knee pads, and appropriate ankle braces should fit well and be worn when needed.

Second, make sure your athlete is doing a proper warm-up and cool-down at the start and end of each practice and game. A quality warmup includes some light cardio and easy stretching. This will help prevent those common tears and strains during the game, because muscles, tendons and ligaments will be warmed up. Cooling down will help the muscles calm down after vigorous movement and activity.

Third, make sure your athlete gets professional help for any bumps, bruises, strains, sprains or other seemingly minor incidents during the season. What you or your child may think is just a nagging ailment might be something much worse. Better to get it checked out immediately than risk losing part or all of your sports season. Untreated minor injuries could lead to more serious injuries.

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