Making Positive New Year’s Resolutions

“It’s never too late to start making positive changes in your life. If you’re willing to apply some of these tips for sticking to your resolve, then success may be closer than you think.”

2024 has arrived, and perhaps like many others you’ve made some New Year’s resolutions. Are you determined to do something to improve your health? Maybe it’s to quit smoking, get more exercise, eat healthier, or lose weight. However, year after year, if people don’t start to see immediate results, they give up. Before you fall into the pitfall of giving up too soon, try these simple tips for sticking to your resolve and changing your habits for better health.

Especially this year, more than ever, it’s important to set realistic and simply goals. 2024 should be a year of healing and being kind to yourself and others.

Record it. If you’re trying to eat healthier, write down everything you eat, or snap a picture with your cell phone. If exercise is part of your schedule, write the sessions on your calendar, then jot down what you did after your workout.

If you want to quit smoking, set several dates by which you will cut back to a certain number of cigarettes, and an ultimate quit date. If you want to lose weight, give yourself a time and weight goal. “I’m going to lose X pounds by [date].”

Replace it. Instead of grabbing a candy bar at 3 p.m., reach for a bottle of water. Or, swap 30 minutes of TV for a 30-minute stroll before you watch your favorite shows. Be specific about these exchanges, and you’ll be more likely to follow through.

Celebrate your successes—big and small. Whether you treat yourself to a haircut, or lose a few pounds, simply share your success with a friend. Take a moment to congratulate yourself when you make progress. Set small goals and reward yourself for achieving them so you can celebrate the journey as much as the final success.

Practice patience. It’s important to be patient and to stay positive while you’re making small changes over time. Yes, people want immediate results, but research shows that less than five percent of people are willing to be patient and take simple, daily actions over a period of time, which can yield big results!

EM-POW-ER Weight Loss Program

If you’ve been on a weight-loss journey for a while and are unhappy with your progress, Bingham Healthcare’s EM-POW-ER Weight Loss program might be right for you. There are several new components to the program, including nutrition education. People in the program meet with a specialized dietitian to review food choices and learn how to incorporate those choices into a healthy living style.

For more information, please call (208) 782-3993, or sign up for a free seminar at Seminars are held throughout East Idaho every month.

Our content is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.

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