Anger Managment

Anger Management

We will coach you into making positive changes in your life and re-focus you toward effective problem solving skills. We will teach you successful boundary setting and assertive communication skill, the appropriate tools to manage your anger for a life time by helping you to understand that anger is an emotion and not a behavior.

Enrollment: Please call 208-785-3820 or email [email protected] to enroll in the next available class. or sign up using the form below.

Location: Staley Classroom, Bingham Memorial Hospital

Cost: $75.00

Anger is a natural, normal part of life. However, when anger gets out of control, it can lead to resentment, rage, and aggression. Persistent anger and hostility can result in problems at work, school, within relationships, and even with the legal system. Let Bingham Memorial assist you in understanding anger and in managing its often-associated behaviors. Please join Suzanne Godfrey, LCPC, for a six-week anger management course

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