Mark L. Mansfield, MD

Speciality: Gastroenterology


Idaho Physicians Clinic

98 Poplar St., 3rd Floor, Blackfoot, ID 83221

Physician Bio

We are pleased to welcome back Mark Mansfield, MD, board-certified family medicine doctor with a special emphasis in endoscopy, to our staff.

With more than 23 years of experience in general medicine, Dr. Mansfield has demonstrated a remarkable insight in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive tract, which includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and gallbladder. His experience includes diagnosis and treatment of heartburn/gastroesophageal reflux, abdominal pain, chronic nausea and vomiting, bowel habit disorders, peptic ulcer disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Such insight makes Dr. Mansfield a coveted member of our staff. “I am honored and excited to work with Dr. Charles Evans and Dr. Eric Wingerson, both well-respected gastroenterologists,” states Dr. Mansfield.

From there his interest and understanding of the gastroenterologic system continues. He completed full course work and certification through the National Procedures Institute to include upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. He completed his family medicine residency at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where he was mentored by some of Eastern Idaho’s most revered physicians and surgeons.

When Dr. Mansfield is not practicing medicine, he enjoys bow hunting, archery, fly fishing, and traveling the world.

Professional Credentials

  • Associate Degree in Mathematics and Science from Lassen Junior College and a
  • Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona
  • Recipient of a National Institute of Research Grant, Dr. Mansfield was awarded the Western Regional Student Research Forum for Medical Students “Outstanding Presentation Award” in 1992 for his research of the dog colon while working towards his MD degree
  • Medical Doctorate from the University of Nevada School of Medicine



Idaho Physicians Clinic

98 Poplar St., 3rd Floor, Blackfoot, ID 83221

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