Ryan Killpack, PA-C

Speciality: Weight Loss


Physician Bio

We are pleased to introduce Ryan Killpack, PA-C, certified physician assistant.

As part of a dynamic healthcare team, Ryan is involved in all aspects of patient care. He contributes to his patients’ healthcare by providing them with as much education as possible, allowing them to be a part of the decision-making process. He has clinical experience in emergency medicine, general surgery, family medicine, women’s health, orthopedics, cardiology, and pediatrics. From time to time, he is a surgical first assist in the operating room.

Born and raised in Firth, Idaho, Ryan learned the value of hard work early in life from working at his family’s trucking company. Ryan graduated from Firth High School.

Aside from medicine, Ryan’s other interests include spending time with his family and being outdoors. He also enjoys camping, riding horses, motorbikes, and pretty much any other activity that requires being outside.

Professional Credentials

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology from Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg, Idaho
  • Master of Science in Physician Assistant studies from West Liberty University


Idaho Falls, Specialty Clinics

Bingham Healthcare Specialty Clinic – Martha

1975 Martha Ave Suite A, Idaho Falls, ID 83406

Blackfoot, Specialty Clinics

Bingham Healthcare Specialty Plaza

326 Poplar Street, Blackfoot, ID 83221


Clifford Family Medicine

4742 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202


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