Bingham Healthcare Presents Check to Big Momma’s House in Pocatello
BLACKFOOT, ID – September 10, 2018 – Today, representatives from Bingham Healthcare proudly presented Pastor Jacqualine “Big Momma” Thomas in Pocatello with a check for $5,000 to go toward her 501(c)3 Big Momma’s House for the homeless. Thomas is the pastor of Praise Temple of God Church in Pocatello.
“We were extremely pleased to present this check to Pastor Thomas and to give back to the community in this way,” said Jake Erickson, CEO of Bingham Healthcare. “We care deeply about the Pocatello community, and we believe that overall health of the community includes the health and wellbeing of the homeless. We will continue to do all we can to alleviate suffering, bolster people up, and improve health and wellness in the communities that we serve.”
The mission of Big Momma’s House is to provide safe and comfortable supportive housing to those who are homeless, and their goal is to give hope and offer a home to the homeless. It is a nonprofit organization that looks to work closely with its residents by offering shelter, three meals a day, supportive housing, job assistance, transportation, substance abuse counseling, domestic violence counseling, anger management, mental health treatment, and the teaching of life skills.
On Big Momma’s website, Pastor Thomas defines compassion as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
“Similar to Pastor Thomas, we believe that sincere compassion drives the highest skill and quality of care and that true healing only occurs when compassion is part of the cure,” said Mr. Erickson. “Our vision statement is: ‘High Quality. High Compassion.’ Supporting Big Momma’s House is a way for compassion to can extend beyond the walls of our medical facilities and into the community.”
Donations in any amount can be made by visiting: http://bigmommashouse.org
For additional information or questions about making a donation, please call Pastor Thomas at (310) 251-7600 or (208) 478-1200.
About Big Momma’s House: http://bigmommashouse.org/
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