Christmas 2020 – A Message from CEO, Jake Erickson
December 16, 2020
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Family has been on my mind as we approach Christmas and the New Year. Nothing is more important to me than family—my wife and kids, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews. But a family can be defined as more than blood relatives. A family is any group of related things. At Bingham Healthcare, we consider ourselves one big family. And like any family, we have our struggles and our triumphs, our cries and our laughs, our sadness and our joy.
As I reflect back on 2020, I want to acknowledge how amazing each and every one of our employees and their family members have performed in the face of adversity this past year. They have had to endure a very challenging year of uncertainty with work and church schedules changing, children being home schooled, cooking a lot more than you may or may not have been used to, and worrying about your health and the health of those you care about.
During a time when it could have been possible for people to turn their backs on one another, I saw our Bingham Family and our community come together and help out however they could. Your acts of hope, strength, optimism, positivity, kindness, and unfaltering perseverance have left me truly in awe and grateful for each and every one of you.
I would like to express my gratitude for our doctors, nurses, and supporting staff members for their tireless work. I cannot thank everyone enough for all of your hard work, patience, and unwavering commitment to our patients this past year. They are ALL heroes to me. Their gracious contributions to our community have not gone unnoticed. I am blessed to associate with each of them—a team who works hard and respects those around them.
I would especially like to thank those in our community who made (and distributed) face masks for the hospital and our outlying clinics, donated winter coats to keep our underserved neighbors warm this winter, gave food to our local food banks, and contributed to the Bingham Healthcare Foundation “Giving Tree” program. I would also like thank those of you who volunteered your time on various service projects and who performed small acts of kindness on a daily basis that perhaps no one really saw.
As this pandemic year of uncertainty and unrest comes to a close, may we focus our efforts on a prosperous New Year. A New Year where we join our efforts to increase empathy and charity to our neighbors. A New Year of unmatched love to our God and family, and of service to our country and community. Let us make 2021 great through our actions of acceptance, service, and love toward our fellow man.
From my family to yours, Merry Christmas. I hope that you and your family will be able to embrace peace, love, and happiness this holiday season and carry those feelings into the New Year. And, may you be happy, healthy, and hopeful.
Warm regards,
Jake Erickson
Chief Executive Officer