Healthy Babies from Birth to 12 Months
“In the first year of a baby’s life, there are simple signs to look for to ensure they are healthy.”
A baby with a healthy start in its first year will have the opportunity to lead an all-around better life, and there are some simple signs to look for to ensure they are on a healthy path. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, here are a few milestones to watch for as a baby grows.
3 months
After a few months in the world, a baby should be able to raise its head and chest while on its stomach, open and close their hands, and grasp and shake toys. They should have a more expressive face and body, imitate some movements and expressions, and follow moving objects.
4 to 7 months
If they weren’t adorable at 3 months, now they’re developing personalities. A baby should be able to roll around, transfer an object from one hand to the other, and sit up with and without support. They should also be interested in images in a mirror, enjoy social play, and struggle to get objects that are out of reach.
8 to 12 months
A baby should be able to get to a sitting position without help, crawl forward on its belly, pull itself up to stand, and walk holding on to furniture. Also, they may appear shy or anxious with strangers, cry when you leave the house, look at the correct picture in a book when an image is named, and begin to use objects, like a spoon, correctly. This is the time you need to start child proofing those electrical outlets, bathrooms and kitchens because they’re going to be running around in no time!
While this is a limited guide to your baby’s development, you can visit HealthyChildren.org for more information. In addition, if you’re looking for an experienced local healthcare practitioner, Karla Adams is a certified family nurse practitioner with over 26 years of medical experience. She specializes in family medicine with an emphasis on pediatrics. Karla is welcoming new patients in Blackfoot and same-day appointments are available. To schedule an appointment, please call 782-3990.