Thank You to Healthcare Workers During Hospital Week – 2021
Bingham Healthcare joins with thousands of health systems around the country to celebrate National Hospital Week—this year it is May 9 through May 15. It is a special time to honor the dedicated healthcare employees who make our healthcare facilities beacons of compassion, hope, and understanding in the communities we serve.
Thank you for your dedication
I want to personally thank all of our employees–and all of the nurses throughout the region–for everything you do, and have been doing each day, that provides such a significant impact on how smoothly our facilities run. Your dedication, teamwork, and collaborative efforts have been unparalleled, especially throughout the past year, and I cannot thank you enough. Your commitment and dedication is demonstrated daily through your spirit of kindness, support, and relentless giving of yourselves.
You play a special role at Bingham
Everyone who works at Bingham plays a special role in serving our community, regardless of the department you work in. I am extremely grateful to be surrounded by each and every one of you. I have never been more proud of every single Bingham employee for your heightened levels of teamwork, thoughtfulness, and solidarity that I have seen exhibited during the past year.
Hospital Week – 2021
To honor all of our employees, and your resilience and hard work, we will definitely be celebrating Hospital Week this year. As you will see from the enclosed schedule, we will have a lot of new games, treats, and fun team-building activities for you throughout the week. I hope these Hospital Week celebrations will lift your spirits and show you how much you are appreciated.
This year’s theme will be #BinghamSuperheroes !
Bingham Healthcare is more than just a hospital. It is also more than just a job. Bingham Healthcare is a family and it’s our family. I am proud to work with you and to call myself part of #TeamBingham, and feel humbled, grateful, and encouraged by the upstanding people we have working with us.
Again, thank you to all nurses for the work that you do throughout the region. We greatly appreciate you and all that you do!
Yours sincerely,
Jake Erickson, MBA/HCA
Chief Executive Officer