BMH Announces Winners of Annual Back-to-School Coloring Contest

BLACKFOOT, Idaho – October 26, 2016  Bingham Memorial Hospital (BMH) is pleased to announce the winners of their 2nd Annual Back-to-School Coloring Contest.

  • The winner of the Grades K-2 category is Logan Shepherd, 1st Grade. Moreland Elementary School in Moreland, ID. Teacher Name: Dion Hillman. Principal: Jane Reynolds
  • The winner of the Grades 3-5 category is Lilia Olsen, 5th Grade. Jefferson Elementary School in Pocatello, ID. Teacher name: Ellen Laggis. Principal: Jason Winward
  • The winner of the Grades 6-8 category is Josh Jones, 8th Grade. Sugar Salem Junior High School. Teacher name: Kerry Moser. Principal: Kevin Schultz

The theme of this year’s coloring contest was “When I grow up, I want to be…” The winning entries—submitted by elementary and middle school aged children throughout eastern Idaho—were carefully selected by a panel of “coloring experts” comprised of a diverse group of Bingham Memorial employees. Each of the winners received $3,000 for their school and $500 for their classroom. In addition, each winner received a bicycle and helmet.

“I was awe-struck by how much thought went into every submission, and how each young artist was able to creatively express what they’d like to do when they grow up,” says Dr. Gary M. Ullery, pediatrician and internal medicine specialist at BMH and the presenting sponsor of this year’s coloring contest.

Some of the more popular jobs that the next generation of kids want to be when they grow up include: veterinarians, marine biologists, police officers, teachers, artists, and photographers. A lot of the drawings also indicated that kids would like to grow up to be forest rangers, inventors, astronauts, and even superheroes.

“Like last year, it was really difficult to choose just one winner from each group,” says Hilary Woods, graphic designer at BMH. “I loved seeing so many kids dreaming so big! I was impressed by the wide variety of career choices geared towards helping people locally and around the world.”

“I would like to personally thank every student who took the time to carefully create and submit such beautiful and thoughtful pieces of artwork,” says Jeff Daniels, CEO of BMH. “And, I would also like to thank all of the school administrators and teachers who encouraged such positive participation in the coloring contest. Developing the creative parts of the mind is an important part of their overall health. We love supporting the community in this way.”

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