Bingham Memorial Hospital Holds Free Spring Health Fair with Summit Academy
Bingham Memorial Hospital, in partnership with Summit Academy, will be holding a Spring Health Fair to provide important health information and free screenings. This community-wide event is open to anyone. It will take place on Thursday, March 17, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on the third floor of the Bingham Memorial Medical Plaza, 98 Poplar Street, Blackfoot, Idaho.
“It is important for students to seek out opportunities to serve the community through Service Learning Projects,” says Brian Kress, Blackfoot School District Superintendent. “Summit Academy, a Project-Based Learning Community in Blackfoot, is pleased to be partnering with Bingham Memorial to provide a community-wide health fair.”
Working with healthcare providers at Bingham Memorial, students from Summit Academy will present educational information about how all of the different systems of the human body can be afflicted by diseases. For example, the students will demonstrate how asthma and pneumonia affect the respiratory system, how indigestion and heart burn can upset the digestive system, and how the skeletal system is impacted by osteoporosis and bone cancer.
“Creating community partnerships is a goal and objective for Summit Academy,” says Amy Wren, a teacher at Summit Academy. “We are always looking to integrate our curriculum with real-time experiences. This opportunity will provide our students with a greater understanding of personal health and will also give them an added perspective of how the health of a community can affect their lives.”
During the health fair, the community will also have the opportunity to receive a variety of free screenings which include: balance testing, foot & ankle screenings, hearing tests, and skin cancer screenings. In addition, free chair massages will also be available as well as refreshments and door prizes.
Anyone wishing to attend the health fair can sign-up in advance for free screenings of their choice by visiting: www.BinghamMemorial.org/health-fairs. (Registration is not required, though.)
“Bingham Memorial Hospital is committed to improving the overall health and well-being of the citizens of eastern Idaho,” says Jeff Daniels, CEO of Bingham Memorial Hospital. “We are pleased to be working with Summit Academy in an educational capacity, and supporting the wellness of our community by providing these free screenings to our community.”
“This partnership will provide amazing learning opportunities for our students,” says Superintendent Kress. “We look forward to more opportunities like this, and wish to thank Bingham Memorial Hospital for their support of the educational process of our students.”