Congratulations to Our 2019 Employee of the Year: Helena Callister!

Congratulations to Helena Callister who was awarded Bingham Healthcare’s Employee of the Year in recognition and appreciation of the extraordinary contributions she has made throughout 2019. Helena is the Director of the Grove Creek Medical Center and has been a dedicated, full-time employee since 2005.

Here are a few of the things some of her colleagues wrote when nominating her:

“Where do I begin? This is one heck of a woman and she never ceases to amaze me!

“As Grove Creek approaches its year mark of being open, I feel like what a better opportunity to be recognized for all the hard work someone has done than to be selected for Employee of the Year! On December 3, 2018, labor and delivery services moved from Bingham to Grove Creek and what a coincidence, the annual Christmas party takes place on December 3, 2019!

“Helena has never been one who likes to soak up all the glory, but she truly deserves this. She does a lot of hard work behind the scenes and always recognizes others. She is truly part of the backbone of Grove Creek.

“Helena became my manager shortly before the move to Grove Creek, but even with the new job at the new place, she decided to pursue her education. (What a woman!) I’ve watched her sacrifice many things just to make it smooth for her employees, and, most importantly, her patients.

“She is always researching new ways to improve the care for those we serve in our community. She is currently working on implementing an early literacy program that will start at Grove Creek, with continuation through the pediatric practices. Along with all of these, I have always been extremely impressed with her dedication and devotion to her husband and family; their moral values are second to none and Helena will make an outstanding employee of the year!”

(Nominated by Samantha Matamoros, RN)

“As we approach our one year anniversary, I can’t think of anyone else that is more deserving of this award. From day one, Helena has dedicated her time and energy to the success of our facility. She has spent countless hours working on policies, procedures, staff education, and making sure Grove Creek is in compliance according to Joint Commission and state requirements. Helena is dedicated to our success and it shows! She is always willing and able to work the floor when needed. Helena is the most dedicated and hardworking manager I’ve had. It is an honor to work with and for her at Grove Creek. ”

(Nominated by Sierra Rodriquez, RN)

“Helena has worked countless hours to work out the kinks that came with moving over to Grove Creek. She is a great manager and is willing to help in any way that she can.”

(Nominated by Aimee Katseanes, RN)

“As a new employee, I have been very impressed by Helena Callister and having her as my manager. She has put together a very organized orientation program that has made my transition smooth. Helena is always checking in on me and seeing if there is anything she can do to help me. Helena is very friendly and approachable and I love my new job at Grove Creek.”

(Nominated by Kelsey Elquist, RN)

“Congratulations on being nominated by your peers for exemplifying the values and culture of Bingham Healthcare and for being such a positive influence within your department,” says Jake Erickson, CEO at Bingham Healthcare. “And, thank you for embodying our mission and vision statements and core values and for creating a lasting example for our employees. We are so proud to have you as part of Team Bingham!”

When you have a moment, please be sure to congratulate Helena on becoming Employee of the Year!

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