Stop Smoking Today. Smoking Cessation
I Quit!
Bingham Healthcare offers this resource guide to help kick the habit for good!
The benefits of quitting smoking are considerable. Here are just a few examples of what happens when a smoker quits…
After 20 Minutes
Blood pressure and pulse rate decrease
After 8 Hours
Carbon monoxide levels in blood return to normal
After 1 Day
The likelihood of a heart attack decreases
After 2 Days
Nerve endings regenerate; sense of smell and taste are enhanced
After 2 Weeks
Circulation improves and lung function increases
After 1-9 Months
Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decreases
After 1 Year
The likelihood of heart attack is cut in half
After 5 Years
Risk of a stroke is reduced to the same levels as a non-smoker
After 10 Years
Risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a current smoker
You’re ready this time. You’ve thought about quitting smoking a lot. Maybe you have even tried once or twice before, but this time it’s different. This time you believe you are really ready.
According to American Academy of Family Physicians, you’ll have the best chance to quit smoking if you do the following:
- Get ready
- Get support and encouragement
- Learn how to handle stress and urges to smoke
- Get medication to help and use it correctly
- Be prepared for a relapse
Your local health department may also have information and resources to aid you in quitting smoking:
Southeastern District VI Health Department
Pocatello – (208) 478-6316
District VII Health Department
Idaho Falls – (208) 522-0310
Idaho QuitLine
Help to quit smoking is now just a phone call away. The Idaho QuitLine is a free telephone counseling service designed to help smokers quit.
This confidential service connects tobacco users with trained counselors who guide and support them through the process of becoming tobacco-free. All services are available in English, Spanish, and for the deaf and hard of hearing community.
1-800-QUIT NOW counselors are available:
Monday through Thursday: 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. MST
Friday: 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. MST
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. MST
Idaho QuitNet is a free internet service that can also help you quit smoking. It offers expert advice on quitting techniques, online support from other smokers who are trying to quit, and information about medications that may make quitting easier. Begin today by visiting Idaho Quit Net.
American Lung Association
Smoking is responsible for an estimated one in five U.S. deaths and costs the U.S. over $150 billion each year in healthcare costs and lost productivity. When you know the facts, the truth provides empowerment that can help you fight the cravings and stay on course to a healthier you.
Find out more smoking facts through the American Lung Association by calling 1-800-LUNG-USA or by logging onto their website at http://www.lungusa.org/
Quitting smoking can evoke a lot of feelings: fear, resentment, relief, and so on. If you stay committed to a program and complete your short-term goals, you have a good chance of remaining smoke-free for good.
Millions of people have quit smoking and you can do it too! The American Lung Association’s online smoking cessation program is only a mouse-click away at http://www.ffsonline.org/ This website offers a 7 step program with extensive resources including education, suggestions, hints for surviving the first week, and provides a Quit Smoking Action Plan.
Quitting smoking may seem almost impossible, but it can be done. More than 45.7 million Americans have quit already and many of them tried several times before they were able to quit. Most smokers need to “practice” quitting several times before they make it for good. The best advice is to keep trying. They made it, and you can too!