Thanksgiving 2020 – A Message from CEO, Jake Erickson

Dear Community and Team Bingham,

This Thanksgiving season, I would like to express my gratitude for our doctors, nurses, and supporting staff members, especially this year for their tireless work on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19. And, we wish to thank everyone throughout East Idaho for trusting us with your medical care this past year. Whether it was welcoming little ones into the world, helping you through a surgery, caring for those in their golden years, or anything else in between, it is always our pleasure to help you and your family.

We would like to thank the communities we serve for your efforts to help slow the spread of COVID-19. We greatly appreciate the ongoing work of public health officials, county commissioners, mayors, city councils, and countless others who serve for the public good.

My heart goes out to those in our community who have suffered pain and loss due to this disease, particularly those who have lost loved ones. They leave a hole in our hearts that will be impossible to fill this holiday season. Our thoughts and prayers are with each of you and your families.

Currently, hospitals throughout our region are experiencing the highest number of COVID-19 related hospitalizations since the pandemic began. While the availability of physical beds is a critical measure of our readiness as healthcare providers, the ability to maintain the appropriate level of staff is an even more important factor. Healthcare workers are the most valuable asset in the healthcare system, far more so than bed availability. Each day, these brave men and women come to work to face the risks associated with patient care in an infectious disease environment. We are grateful for their selfless service.

Our region needs more nurses at this time. I encourage those nurses who are not currently working to consider getting back into the field. Come help during this time of great need.

This year when giving thanks, in light of everything going on at home and around the world, please know that even the simplest act of kindness can make a world of difference to those around you. I challenge each of us to practice a little more kindness and a little more patience this holiday season. Focusing on the positive helps the brain to pick up on more positivity around us, rather than negative aspects of life.

We are blessed with a community of people like you—people who work hard and respect those around them. From our family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday.



Jake Erickson
CEO at Bingham Healthcare

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Happy Hospital Week 2024

Team Bingham, As we enter National Hospital Week, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride for each and every one of you. This week is a

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