Choosing the Right Shoe

Only a small percentage of the population is born with foot problems. Most often, it’s neglect or a lack of proper foot care – including ill-fitting shoes – that cause the problems. Dr. Dan E. Robinson, board-certified podiatrist, shares tips for choosing the right shoe for your foot.

  1. Shopping for shoes is best done in the afternoon. Your feet tend to swell a little during the day, and it’s best to buy shoes to fit them then.
  2. Walk in the shoe to make sure it feels right and there is no pain.
  3. Your foot size can change as you grow older. Have both of your feet measured every time you purchase shoes, and do it while you’re standing.
  4. When shopping for shoes, try them on both feet; many people have one foot larger than the other, and it’s best to fit the larger one.
  5. Shoe sizes vary by brand and style, so don’t select shoes only by the size marked inside the shoe.
  6. Select a shoe that conforms as nearly as possible to the shape of your foot.
  7. Choose a shoe that has proper heel support. If the shoe has a flat bottom, check the inside to see if the heel is built up.
  8. A shoe that has proper support should only bend where the toes are, and should not twist like a rag.
  9. When using a shoe insert, support is more important than cushion. Buy the most rigid insert you can find.
  10. Buy shoes that have enough space for your toes. Shoes with a pointed-toe place your toes in an unnatural position.

If you are concerned about your feet, Dr. Dan E. Robinson, DPM, is a board-certified foot and ankle specialist. He is welcoming patients to his offices in Blackfoot, Pocatello and Idaho Falls. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Robinson, contact his office at 782-2490.

The content on our website is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.

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